The Bold Warrior Goddess


This system helps to clear the path, restore harmony, inner balance, peace, empower yourself to move forward. 
It embodies the energies of many Warrior Goddesses so that when you are feeling overwhelmed in your life you can call on the energies of this system to find that Bold Warrior Goddess within to clear the path ahead and restore harmony, inner balance and peace within you, while empowering you to move ahead fearlessly.

You can also evoke these powerful Goddesses for protection!  Goddesses Athena, Brighid, Macha, Andraste, Morrigan and Freya are the Warrior Goddess Team.

Would you like to heal the attacks of feeling overwhelmed in life? If so, you have chosen the right healing system. In the hustling and bustling life style of today we seem to suffer with periods of feeling simply overwhelmed and or defeated in our lives.

If we do not do something in those moments, then we find ourselves simply dying on the inside. The stress, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness and overwhelm just eat away at us affecting all levels of our being. We lose ourselves in this cycle of mayhem and lose our personal will, strength, power and sense of self and sometimes it gets so bad that it can affect our physical health.

Thus, we are provided with this healing system so that the energies of this system can serve to reawaken the Bold Warrior Goddess within who is perilous and can accomplish any task big or small. The energies will reconnect you with your inner sense of direction and guidance. Then you can connect to the truth of unlimited possibilities and potentials – and anything is possible. You can do anything you desire – all you have to do is put your mind to it and so it is done!

As you connect with the Bold Warrior Goddess aspect of your inner being you are able to get out of all the mental clutter and chaos in your mind and get in touch with your emotions – the realm of the heart (the heart chakra) – and get in touch with your Warrior Self aspect – the aspect of yourself that can meet any challenge life puts on your path. We forget how much personal power we really have right inside us!

We sometimes forget about this Warrior aspect of ourselves and so these powerful Goddess energies blended together remind us – help us remember our true and courageous selves! We can then find the comfort of their protection in the midst of all of the chaos of hustling and bustling!

This system has a spiritual cleansing method that can be used for shielding and protection as well as assistance when we are overwhelmed plus much more.

The Warrior Goddess is BOLD – and COURAGEOUS and can CONQUER any challenge!  The unknown territories of life do not frighten the Warrior Goddess! Rather, The Warrior Goddess delves into the great, unknown territories with a keen sense of ADVENTURE as she knows that there is no such thing as defeat. She knows that she has all the tools she needs to meet any challenge with great VICTORY and that there are BLESSINGS in store once the battle is over!

The Entire Healing The Mythic Self Series Includes:

The Bold Warrior Goddess Within Healing System

The Enchanted Fairy Goddess Within Healing System

The Mystical Mermaid Goddess Within Healing System


Founder:  Tracey Loper
