Platinum ReikiPlatinum is a beautiful silvery-white metal that was revered for its endurance.  It represents determination and seeing our manifestations to completion.  It promotes connectivity within the entire energetic structure, stimulates the meridians and nadis, aligns the subtle bodies and opens the five higher crown chakras above the head.

Platinum has been called the “solid wisdom metal”.  It has a time attribute similar to lead, which gives it extra dimensionality and the viewpoint of the wisdom of hindsight (or foresight).  Platinum is an excellent metal for soul meditations and to help find and keep on a true road in this lifetime.  It affects the DNA and RNA, it is the frequency of regeneration.

Platinum Reiki helps with:
Deep healing (includes DNA)
Protecting the DNA from free radicals
Stimulates the meridians and nadis, aligns the subtle bodies and opens the five higher chakras above the crown
Transmute negative emotional energies
Stimulates the pineal gland
Increase intuition and psychic abilities
Charges with yin energy
Solid wisdom
Improving intelligence
Clearing karma
Find your mission or path
Smoothes arrogance and selfishness


Prerequisite:  Reiki Master


Founder:  Maria Joao Sereno