Melek Metatrons 7 Crystal Stars

Melek Metatrons 7 Crystal Stars is a High Vibrational Energy System at the Frequency of Completion 121212. It has been upgraded from the original version.

During this profound high-energy activation Melek Metatron himself, Eye of God, will give 7 Crystal Stars. These 7 dark blue sparkling Crystal Stars vibrating at the frequency of Ascension 121212 will be anchored in your activated and extensive Ascension Column. It’s the most valuable energetic process on the way of your personal Ascension to the Dimension of Light.

You are invited to join the star tetrahedron of Melek Metatron and your high-energy activation will be performed in this deep blue “light ship”.

During this activation very high frequencies flow!
• Activation and expansion of your Ascension column
• Profound clearing and cleansing of all your systems
• Increase your frequency to the frequency 121212
• Decoding of your DNA as it is suitable for you

Founder: Lady Solina (Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer)
