I offer many types of healing sessions for all kinds of issues. At times we all suffer from imbalances, whether they be of body, mind, emotions, mental or spiritual issues. Healing systems are available to help bring all of your being back into balance using various energies. Listed under attunement in many categories you may find a system that interests you and suits your needs. Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and we can determine a specific healing session just for you.
Some Suggested Healing Sessions:
- Abundance and Prosperity
- Aches and Pains
- Angel Blessings
- Balance Body, Mind and Spirit
- Clear Your Chakras and Heal Your Aura
- Clear and Heal
- Clear and Open Your Heart
- Cord Cutting
- Dispel and Remove Negative Energy
- Divine Feminine Ascended Masters including Pearls of Wisdom from The Sophia Code®
- Dolphin Energy
- Energies of Atlantis
- Energies of Lemuria
- Etheric Clearing
- Flush Session – aura, chakras, meridians
- Forgiveness
- Grounding
- Healing For Healers
- Immune System
- Learning, Memory and Concentration
- Lemurian Energy
- Lightworker First Aid
- Moon Goddesses
- Open Your Third Eye
- Past Life
- Peace and Harmony
- Personal Power and Confidence
- Protection
- Spiritual Development
- Spiritual Protection
- Strengthen Your Life Force Energy
- Stress
- Thymus and High Heart Chakra
- Trauma
- Usui Reiki Sessions
- Vibrational Healing
- Weight Loss/Metabolism
- Choose Your Own
Divine Feminine Ascended Master Goddess Mentoring/Healing Sessions
These sessions connect you more deeply with your own Inner Feminine Self. The help you to step more fully into your own power, inviting you to live in more grace and ease, feel much more at peace and in the divine flow of feminine energy.
You may choose to focus on one of the following topics:
Physical issues
Emotional healing
Spiritual growth
Personal development
Your business
Choose your own…
This work is great to do in conjunction with reading The Sophia Code®, participating in a Sophia Circle Journey®, or on their own. For more about this, please feel free to contact me for more details. I am a certified leader of Sophia Circle Journeys® that can further complement this work. Visit my sister website for more details: https://innerlightrevealed.com/sophia-circle-journeys/
I will create a personalized crystal grid for your session that works with and compliments your goals and intentions for the session. I often receive messages of guidance during sessions. After the energies are sent you will receive a typed report via email detailing the work done on your behalf and a photo of your crystal grid.
Basic Session Fee: $180 $135
Separate Attunement Fee:
During your Mentoring/Healing Session you may also be attuned to an energy system that will allow you to continue working with the energies of the session afterwards. This will be a separate fee, depending upon what attunement you receive. If you chose this option I will recommend an energy system that complements your intentions and goals. I will send you a separate invoice for your attunement.
To Be Determined After a Conversation With Me. After we speak about your goals and intentions for your session, I will consulted with The Ascended Masters, and/or Guides and Angels to channel what energy attunement is best for your personal needs. Upon receiving this information, I will send you a separate invoice for the fee of the attunement.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.