Protection Shield AttunementProtection Stones emits vibrations that can help you to become more attuned to those things that will make up a safe, secure environment.  If one needs protection, the obvious question is “From What?”  The need for protection assumes that there is some negative influence that has the capability to bring harm to your home, family, business, personal sense of security, happiness or quality of life.  Identifying sources of harm or negative influence is an important step toward achieving a sense of security and protection.  You may need protection from your own inner negativity as well.  Protection Stones Attunement will attune you to 20 kinds of energy of 20 Protection Stones.

With one attunement, you can use these 20 kinds of energies.  These attunements can help provide protection in many forms – use them:
*When traveling to ensure a safe trip.
*Protect from enemies and evil.
*Guard against a bad business relationship.
*Protect against bad luck or illness.

These energies can be used both for yourself and others.

Founder:  Hari Andri Winarso
