The Grounding Flush Empowerment can be used when you are heavily engaged in spiritual or healing work. Sometimes we are either too busy or just forget to ground ourselves, which can cause us to feel that we are floating around on a cloud. Grounding the energy we gain from our spiritual practices assists us in using the energies in a practical way and helps us to avoid feeling “burned out”.
Benefits of being grounded:
*Increase the balance and stability in your physical and emotional state
*Accept that you are here to fulfill a purpose
* Bring strength back into your life
*Create a bridge between Spirit and Matter (yourself)
*Release energy more easily
*Attain higher Spiritual levels
This empowerment helps you to reground in a fast and easy way. It can be used before healing for yourself or others, after meditation or other spiritual work, and by those who pass energy attunements to others. You will learn many varied ways to ground yourself. This is not a healing system, but can be used during a self-healing or the healing of others. You will learn a simple visualization to use for grounding into Mother Earth.
Founder: Jay Burrell