The Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program teaches the essence of Shamanism in three levels:
Level 1: Initiate – which explains the basics of what it means to practice Shamanism. The Level 1 attunement connects you to the energies of Mother Earth and to the energies of Spirit in a way that will help you grow and learn to expand your horizons. The manual for Level 1 covers how to take a spirit journey, looking within to discover who you truly are, and what your path may be, rights of passage, magickal names and more. Included in Level 1:
Introduction to Shamanism
Shaman Spirit Journey for Self-Discovery
Guided Shaman-Spirit Journey Meditation
Looking Within
Discovering Your True Self
Discovering Your Path
Rights of Passage
Simple Rite of Passage Ceremony
Magickal Names
Level 2: Intermediate – strengthens your connection to Mother Earth and to Spirit and offers a shield of protection as it helps you identify and clear negativity and unwanted energies which brings in great healing. the manual for Level 2 covers attachments, soul retrieval, reclaiming your power and more. Included in Level 2:
Ways to Prevent Attachments
Removing Attachments
Soul Retrieval
Soul Retrieval Spirit Journey
Reclaiming Your Power
Level 3: Master – the Master Level allows you to pas the attunements on to others, and continues strengthening your bond with Mother Earth and Spirit. It also opens your third eye – 6th chakra, and crown – 7th chakra, so that your psychic abilities are enhanced through connecting to your psychic self. There is also a strengthening of the 2nd chakra, which is the seat of physical instincts. The Level 3 Master manual covers meditation, healing, herbs and stones, visions, imprinting, enhancing intuition and instincts, Nature magick, living in harmony and more! Included in Level 3:
Shaman Healing
Magickal Herbs For Healing
Stones and Healing Grids
Connecting To Your Psychic Self
How To Influence Imprints
Enhancing Your Instincts and Intuition
Nature Magick
Living In Harmony
While you could learn Shamanism and grow without any attunements and none are needed to connect to Spirit, The Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program attunements clear the path and speed ascension for those willing to work with the energies. The more you use the energies, the stronger they become and easier it is to connect and use the energies. By the time you complete the Master level, you will understand the energies of Shamanism and have mastered the essence of Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program.
Founder: Linda Colibert