Personal Bio-Force Vibration is a higher vibration of bio-energy, which rejuvenates the cellular structure in your body, and activates, detoxifies and cleanses your liver. This deep cellular liver activation acts as a reversal to the rapid aging that takes place deep within our cellular matrix not on in our liver, but in all of your DNA. The vibration flows to you no just on a physical level, but on an emotional level as well. The liver is an Emotional Organ where emotional blocks and repressed emotions are often stored, which causes us to age quickly.
Other functions of Personal Bio-Force Vibration:
Supports Immune System
Assists Weight Loss
Boosts Energy and Vitality
Many Other Benefits
This system can be used to treat both yourself and others. You will also learn to program water to be a Detoxification Water Energizer.
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso