The Angel Links™ are a series of truly angelic connections designed to energetically link individuals with the Seraphim and Archangel levels of the Angelic Realms. The purpose of these attunements is to infuse you with the purest qualities and energy patterns of the angels. After becoming energetically connected with the Seraphim and the Archangels via the AngelLinks™, you will receive ongoing inspiration and support, encouraging you to express these angelic qualities in all areas of your life.
The Angelic Realms nurture, support and protect the expressions of human consciousness. Human expression and the Angelic Realms represent divine complements and bring a balance to all of life that has evolved. In a sense, the very presence of the Angelic Realms in our lives fulfills Prime Creator’s plan to provide unconditional support for humans, primarily through the expression of unconditional love, which is fundamental to the angelic experience.
Members of the Angelic Realms are etheric in nature, pure spirit, providing all manner of support to humans in the form of guidance, healing, protection and divine intervention when necessary. These divinely-sourced Beings embody the primary qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment and dedication to service. The angelic attitude is always positive. Angelic energies are the divine, “omnipresent glue” that holds together and supports our experience of humanity here on Earth. One of their principle roles is the fulfillment of the intentions created by humans. Different angelic beings carry varying levels of capabilities, wisdom and experience, which determine where each serves in the angelic hierarchy.
In addition to being the purest embodiment of divine unconditional love and non-judgment, all Angels carry these other essential attributes as they function at any level within their Realms:
1. Pure, clear communications throughout their hierarchy
2. Total understanding and practice of the principles of invocation and intention when assisting human beings with the fulfillment of their intentions
3. Loyalty and dedication to divine service
4. Ability to shape-shift, perform “magic” and manipulate natural forces
5. Possessing no hidden agendas or “stuff to work out” (the way humans do)
6. Avoidance of self-serving behavior, especially regarding the trap of allowing themselves to “be adored” by humans.
An extraordinary transformation is occurring right now for humanity and our planet, a shift into a higher vibrational way of being. As Mother Earth changes and evolves, humanity will be stimulated to change, learn and grow. And as humanity spiritually evolves, Mother Earth will be moved to evolve and raise her vibration. We are all inextricably linked as our planet transitions into her higher vibrational state in order to be host to a new, higher vibrational form of humans that is emerging.
More and more humans around the globe are being sparked by their intuition, their inner promptings and “spiritual codings” to create new, exciting, expansive experiences, casting off the old, limiting ways of feeling, thinking and being! Humans are making way for new insights and realizations about themselves and the world around them. We are experiencing ourselves more as “spirit in body” instead of “a body with a tiny spark of spirit”! As we grow to take on more and more Light, each of us is engaging in a profound personal transformation, all taking place with divine support available from the Angelic Realms.
As the vibration level of our human/planetary energy system increases, all of the beings participating in and supporting the plan have more “open space” in which to operate. In a sense, the higher the vibrational state, the faster the process can move along. Given the presence of this higher vibrational condition, higher beings are now more easily able to work with humanity than every before!
A greater presence of our Guardian Angels and the Archangels is being experienced at this time. And even higher levels of the Angelic Realms, especially the Seraphim are now stepping forward to “ignite a burning flame of unconditional love” in the hearts of humanity to propel us more strongly along our paths to higher service in the Light. Traditionally, the Seraphim have not interacted with humans to the degree that the other members of the Angelic Realms have been known to do. However, since we are in the midst of a tremendous amping-up of energies for our global/human transformation, the Seraphim are lending more direct support for the process by creating the AngelLinks™, in general and especially the fist of the AngelLinks™ from Seraph Rose Aura.
An AngelLink™ is a simple, etheric energy connection that is permanently established between an individual and a particular angelic being. In general terms, the AngelLinks™ have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and the Archangels in order to pass on many of the qualities and energetic patterns embodied by these angels into the energy field of humans. Once recipients have been linked with the Angelic Realms in this energetic way, they are empowered to share the AngelLinks™ with others, serving as a conduit for propagating these angelic qualities and patterns throughout humanity.
The AngelLink™ connection with Seraph Rose Aura focuses on igniting the purest “flame” of unconditional angelic love in your heart space. It will serve as your initial introduction to the angelic energies in preparation for the unique and more focused traits embodied by each of the Archangels. Ultimately, AngelLink™ connects with the seven Archangels who will be available to you for more specific purposes to support you in your service in the Light during these changing and challenging times.
Effects stimulated by a particular AngelLink™ connection will be created over the entire spectrum of your energies, from your physical body to the highest levels of your etheric “inner vibrational landscape.” The specific purpose and function of each AngelLink™ is different and there are no specific time benchmarks or limits for the effects, which are stimulated by each. You will simple experience the loving, gentle unfolding of your truly individualized response to having a greater presence of angelic support in your life, all to serve highest and greatest purpose for you. After receiving a particular AngelLink™, you will have a new angelic guide to purposefully support all levels of your being, all in complete cooperation with your Higher Self.
Seraph Rose Aura’s AngelLink™:
In general terms, Rose Aura has inspired the creation of these angelic connections to facilitate the spread of unconditional love, non-judgment and other angelic traits around planet Earth. More specifically, via the Rose Aura AngelLink™, her intention is that a “flame of divine unconditional love” be deeply anchored into your energy fields, fully expanded within your heart and then lovingly passed on to others!
The effects of this AngelLink™ will be cumulative and probably be felt most strongly in your heart space. As you more fully integrate the angelic quality of divine unconditional love, the “angelic flame burning brightly in your heart” will begin to radiate its energies into all levels of your chakras and subtle energy bodies. Profound impacts may be felt in very palpable ways within your mental and emotional fields and ultimately within your physical body. In a holistic sense, as you begin to operate at a higher vibration of angelic, unconditional love of self, your experience of living will become more joyous and loving! And, as you open-heartedly share Rose Aura’s AngelLink™ with others, you will perhaps experience a deeper, richer sense of service in the Light than you may have had before.
During the creation of the AngelLink™, Rose Aura will be linking her energies with all levels of your being, in addition to creating a powerful overlighting presence for you in the physical plane. After this connection is made through the attunement, Rose Aura will be working in your “etheric background” as an Angelic Guide of the highest order to assist you in all matters related to the heart space…such as the expansion of unconditional love of self and others. She will also serve as a spiritual guide for all levels of your energies as your spiritual development accelerates. In a very conscious way, Rose Aura will always be available to you at any time. If you wish, you could cultivate your connection with her through meditation, prayer, requests for guidance, etc.
These Lightarian AngelLink™ connections were inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and the Archangels in order to infuse the highest angelic qualities and traits into the human experience.
Archangel Michael’s AngelLink™:
Archangel Michael is perhaps the best known of the Archangels. His presence, interaction and support for virtually every human culture on planet Earth has been well documented over eons of time of humanity’s existence here. In one form or another, in cultural, social and religious contexts well beyond the familiar Judeo-Christian one, Michael has made his presence known and has had extraordinary impact on human affairs.
Although Archangel Michael’s Divine theme is “Love”, he is stepping forward to support us in two new areas. His principle focus provides us with the highest vibrational energies of non-judgment for humanity. As a secondary theme for this AngelLink™, Archangel Michael will be offering recipients support and angelic guidance to assist you in successfully “navigating” within the etheric realms. This support will stimulate and encourage you regarding your possible interests in telepathy, channeling and conscious travel into the etheric realms.
Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink:
Archangel Raphael’s dominant theme is “courage” with a focus also on “divine healing.” His role in human affairs has been powerful and ongoing. He has been present and highly interactive with virtually every human culture on planet Earth, providing encouragement and healing to those being challenged by the human experience. Perhaps more than any of the other Archangels, Raphael has demonstrated angelic action in more dramatic ways, often in the form of angelic interventions in human affairs when deemed necessary. In one form or another, in many cultural, social and religious contexts, Raphael has made his presence known.
Archangel Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and divine healing. There is an energetic purity about his “energies of courage” that has long been absent in the actions of humans. Throughout our history, what has been called courageous human activity ahs often been the demonstration of human ego and misdirected anger. As our planetary vibration increases and humans are being challenged to raise their energy levels to new heights, many of us are being called upon to step into our new roles of higher service for the coming times. Courageous action of the highest, most refined level will be required of many! The Archangel Raphael AngelLink™ will stimulate this highest vibrational quality of refined, pure courageous action within us.
Another aspect of Raphael’s AngelLink™ will provide you with his support to more fully illuminate the way for yourself as you courageously step forward into the new paradigm of our global human transformation. He will help you “light your way” more effectively, so that you can more clearly see the challenges, the hurdles and the potholes along the way, and also more clearly see the opportunities and the spiritual rewards that lay ahead. As you better light your way into the future, a sense of divine, angelic courageous action will come more naturally to you.
Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink™ will also provide support for you in your healing process. Raphael is the “divine healer.” As we all know, the state of “being healed” is simply one of “being in a natural balance” within one’s self, others and the environment around you. Archangel Raphael can assist you in your process of healing…the return to natural balance in all areas of your life. He will help you to call upon the “divine healer” that each of us has within ourselves. As with any healing situation, your courageous will and intent are paramount if healing is to take place, especially regarding any challenging emotional and mental issues you may be dealing with. You must take an active role in your own healing and always hold the intention that your highest and greatest good will be served as you move through your healing process.
Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink™:
Archangel Uriel’s dominant theme is “angelic beauty”. Regarding our planetary experience here on Earth, Archangel Uriel has been the “guiding hand” and overseer of earthly beauty in all of its forms. He guides and directs the Nature Spirits who inhabit this planet. He also represents the purest reflection of the beauty of “The One” (Prime Creator), and helps to impart his sense of pure, divine beauty into the hearts and surroundings of mankind. However, until recently, his role in human affairs has been more indirect, in the background. He is stepping forward at this time to share his energies with humanity to expand our appreciating and “receptivity” to beauty and to stimulate our expression of beauty throughout our creative activities.
Archangel Uriel has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of “angelic beauty.” As humanity begins to raise its vibration in order to keep up with the increasing planetary vibration, many of us are experiencing a growing need, often felt as an urgency, to better expand and develop our inner beauty, as well as having a greater expression of beauty within our personal environment. Archangel Uriel can support us in experiencing this greater sense of beauty in our lives. He can assist us in expanding our appreciation of ourselves, and our life circumstances, allowing us to more clearly see all the beauty that already exists around us. Through the heightening of your senses of angelic openness, patience, acceptance and receptivity, your existing life conditions, including your sense of Self will be experienced in fresh new ways. Greater levels of appreciation will be stimulated within you. Uriel can also assist us by enhancing our abilities to express beauty in all that we think, say and do.
Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink™:
Archangel Gabriel’s dominant theme is “angelic joy.” Gabriel’s nature is one of pure joy and as such, he has long provided humanity with ongoing support as we all search for and often struggle with the creation of joy in our lives. He offers you, through his AngelLink™, inspiration and divine inner strength during times of great challenge, those times when there appears to be little to be joyful about. Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So he is especially able to help you with inner communications in your outer, day-to-day life. In his role as communicator, he also serves as the announcer and harbinger of good news and information. At this particular time he is heralding in special new energies that are beginning to flow into our global-human energy system to ultimately prepare us all for our next spiritual evolutionary leap.
Gabriel offers a dominant aspect of energy related to “being” and a secondary aspect related to “doing.” He is here to teach us to take time to recognize and experience the exiting joys that abound for us and to manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our lives. He can help you to find what “makes your heart sing.” Archangel Gabriel works in the background and can assist you in expanding your capacity for having and experiencing joy in all aspects of your life.
Lightarian AngelLinks™ can be received by anyone without any prerequisites. The attunements are sent distantly, and are received by you participating in a guided meditation.
The attunements are sent distantly, and are received by your participating in a guided meditation.
There is a minimum seven-day period between receiving each level of this system.
E-manuals will be sent to me from the Lightarian Institute. There is a small additional fee for the manuals. After you have made your purchase, I will contact them on your behalf. They usually arrive in a day or two. I will let you know after I send the fee for the manuals to the Lightarian Institute. Upon their arrival to me, I will email the PDF’s to you as soon as I receive payment.
You will be registered with the Lightarian Institute upon completion of the course, allowing you to be able to pass the attunements to others and order manuals yourself from the Lightarian Institute.
Founder: Jeannine Marie Jelm
E-manuals will be sent from the LIghtarian Institute to me. After you have made your purchase, I will contact them on your behalf. You will be billed separately for the cost of the manuals.