Higher Spiritual Vibration SynchronicityHigher Spiritual Vibration Synchronicity has a unique and excellent energy pattern.  It vibrates strongly with the heart chakra, and also has a strong energy at the solar plexus chakra.  It has a strong thymus chakra vibration that assists you in releasing hurt feelings and painful emotions and helps you to forgive.  The energy that this system brings to your life is very grounded spiritual energy that encourages you to live life in the real world, yet from a spiritual perspective.

The vibration of Higher Spiritual Vibration Synchronicity helps you to extend your consciousness so that you are more aware of how you need to live your life in the everyday world.  This energy assists you to be aware of the spiritual aspects of situations as they occur, enabling you to recognize when you need to change your thoughts and actions.  This helps you to better align yourself with living your life how you wish to, rather than allowing yourself to slip back into old habits that may not be helpful to you.

It is also an excellent healing energy and may be used by anyone who desires to take advantage of their unique energy.  The vibration aids the health of organs within the heart chakra area and is an excellent energetic tool to aid you with healing the inner child.

The energy of Higher Spiritual Vibration Synchronicity can be used in the morning and/or evening before going to sleep to release hurt feelings and painful emotions, and help you to forgive or to be used as a healing tool.  A meditation is included in the manual that helps you to extend your consciousness so that you are more aware of how you need to live your life and to be aware of the spiritual aspects of situations as they occur.

Founder:  Hari Andri Winarso
