Children’s Angelic Light attunes you to angels that primarily work with children and their issues to help them develop into well-rounded adults. In this attunement you will be working with 13 archangels and angels, as well as their attributes and properties. It helps restore balance harmony very quickly to the areas you are working on, and due to its gentle flow of energy is suitable for anyone to use.
Children’s Angelic Light will work with past, present and future mental/physical/emotional and spiritual issues. It also works wonderfully with other healing modalities and Reiki forms.
Angels you will be attuned to:
- Archangel Naari – Archangel of Children.
- Archangel Barachiel – Angel of Compassion, Archangel of Divine Providence and Guardian /Provider Of The Children Of God.
- Archangel Mihr – Angel of Friendships.
- Archangel Shushienae – Archangel of Purity.
- Archangel Afriel – Angel of Youth.
- Archangel Dina – Angel of Learning.
- Archangel Elijah – Angel of Innocence.
- Archangel Yves – Archangel of Destiny.
- Archangel Rehael – Angel of Respect.
- Archangel Isda – Angel of Nourishment.
- Archangel Maion – Angel of Self-Discipline.
- Archangel Samandiriel – Angel of Imagnation.
- Archangel Verchiel – Angel of Affection
There are two manuals for this system, one for adults and one specifically designed for children.
The manuals for Children’s Angelic Light contains correspondences for each angel including attributes, animals, herbs, gems/stones, power days, power number, colors, candle colors, planet and angel symbol. There is also a symbol for working with each of the angels of this system and suggestions to get you going and understand where each archangel/angel governs their energy. You will learn to make Energy Objects with Archangel/Angel energies, using any kind of thing including crystals, jewelry, cards, stones from your heard and more.
This attunement can also be passed on to children. The only requirement for working with a child is that they be able to understand and believe in angels and their gifts.
Founder: Nicole Lanning
Adult Attunement:
Children’s Attunement: