Heart Chakra Re-ProgrammingHeart Chakra Re-Programming is a unique and specific energetic tool for the Heart Chakra.  It has a positive and smoothing effect on the physical skin.  It starts to radiate a healthier glow.  It benefits the physical heart through clearing the emotional part and takes care of the issues around it.

Heart Chakra Re-Programming reprograms the heart to heal itself.  It replaces aggression with love and comforts and heals any wounds the heart has accumulated.  It is most helpful for people who have never experienced the essence of true love.  It helps those whose basic emotional needs are not met, eases sexual/emotional imbalances, cools hot tempers, enhances self-confidence and creativity, and teaches the essence of forgiveness, compassion and love.

Heart Chakra Re-Programming cultivates patience and understanding.  It enters via the Heart Chakra right into the emotional body and brings ease to the body.   It reduces stress and anxiety, deepens the breath and relaxes the shoulders.  This tool soothes the skin, restoring a youthful appearance and can be used to treat burns and blisters.  It also has a positive effect on the heart lessening tensions and restrictions


Founder:  Hari Andri Winarso