Heart Peace Vibration


Heart Peace Vibration assists in deep healing, especially where there have been unfortunate events of emotional hurt and abuse, as well as abandonment and sudden loss. It is calming and makes the user stronger. The energy of this system makes the user stronger, brings feelings of security and safety, and a knowing sense of being watched over by Angelic Beings.

Heart Peace Vibration softens and brings peaceful energies to tense and heavy atmospheric areas and attracts protective light beings around the home where babies and children play and sleep. It brings the “Mother’s Touch” and the “Father’s Safety” within a single touch. It brings peace that will shine through the whole aura, which in turn attracts matching energies, allowing one’s higher heart to integrate with the higher chakras for a heart-centered consciousness to become one’s focus and inner wisdom.

The energy of this system can be used to clear and protect your living space, as well as for healing of self or others.

Founder:  Jalu Wasonoadi
