The Green Man is the Lord of Harvest and all of nature cultivated. He is related to grain and the development of agriculture. He has control of the life and growth of plants. It is He who brings us joy and happiness. He is associated with excesses and the ecstasy caused by wine. In this face he takes several roles, especially the Son and Lover of the Goddess. He is the ever-returning energy of vegetation and wild Nature. Today the Green Man is re-emerging into our consciousness along with the Goddess. His presence brings balance and energy to the reclaiming of our ancient heritage. It is through the Green Man that many men come to understand Nature’s mysteries and connect with the Goddess. The return of the Green Man brings new hope. He is that spirit, energy and presence inherent in every cell of the vegetative realm, transmitted to the animal/human realms through the foods we eat, the flowers we smell and the trees we hug.
The Green Man will help you with:
Fertility and ecstasy, in all its manifestations
Invoke the change in the essence of mind
Invoke the power of relaxation
Attract happiness
Establish necessary change
Attracting optimism and joy
Invoking the energies of expansion and prosperity
Increase sensuality, eroticism and spontaneity
Escaping the shackles imposed by society
Open the ways to attract opportunities in life
Attract cheerfulness and happiness meditation with the Green Man
The manual includes a ritual with the Green Man. You will learn to embrace a tree, relax in a garden, or sit in a wooded glen to find the Green Man. The energies of this system can be used both for yourself and others.
Founder: Gabriela Yasmin Szafman