Creative Purple Energy Essence


Creative Purple Energy Essence connects you to your creative inner spirit – your creative soul nature, and to infinite intelligence source energy. Purple brings in creativity, and opens the doors of inspiration and ideas. It opens any creative blocks so that you can expand your thinking and your creativity. Being creative in any area of your life – not just art, music, performing, etc., though these are included in this energy as it flows – opens up new solutions to any problems or stalemate situations. Creative Purple calls up your inner creativity for problem solving, and sheer joy and passion of being creative.

Purple is a rich color, a creative color, a passion color for creating art and bringing in the new. It is birth, being born, being reborn, being created. The act of creating is very spiritual and it is a high vibrational energy. Source energy is creative, and you are source energy. When you are creative, you are BE-ing in the flow of all that is – the highest source energy. It is crating, manifesting something from nothing. This is a powerful energy!

Everyone has this creative energy within themselves. Even though you may not feel that you are an artistic person, you are creative. Everything you do is creative in some way. The energies of Creative Purple help you to draw in and focus on whatever you want to create in your life. This could be art – music, writing, painting etc., but it could also be a great dinner, a debt free lifestyle, a great career, a fun vacation, a new look, etc. Anything you can think of to create can be created with a positive attitude, action steps and a creative approach to achieving and accomplishing whatever you set out to do, be or have. There is no limit to what you can create and manifest.

A symbol is included in this attunement to help you to connect to Creative Purple Energy Essence.

Founder:  Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)
