With the Sensual Activations of the Senses scents are sweeter, colors become more vivid, music sounds sweeter, voices are dearer and you will discover the ecstasy of touch with a heightened awareness and joy while looking into the eyes of your beloved.
Sensual Sight Activation: With sensual sight you can view the world through sensuous eyes and see the beauty in everything. Color becomes vivid, vision is sharper and looking into someone’s eyes takes on new meaning. On a sensual level you can discover how to penetrate the heart or feelings of another with sensual eye contact to draw in the attentions of someone you would like to know better.
Sensual Hearing Activation: With sensual hearing your sense of hearing can expand to a higher frequency so that music sounds sweeter, voices are dearer and the notes of nature are more amplified.
Sensual Touch Activation: With sensual touch you will discover the ecstasy of touch with a heightened sense of awareness and joy. It enhances your awareness of your touch receptors and is perfect to activate prior to lovemaking.
Sensual Smell Activation: With sensual smell your sense of smell will become keen and discerning. Sensual smell will heighten your awareness of pheromones and strengthen the erotic attraction you feel towards another. Scent has been used since the beginning of time to attract lovers, heal relationships and to seduce. You can use sensual smell to draw in the attention or affection of another.
You will learn about sensual scents with this activation.
Sensual Taste: sensual eating is becoming ware of the food you consume and being aware of the taste and texture of all food. It is choosing on that which is pleasing to your palate and sharing the experience with another for the ultimate sensual experience.
You will learn about sensual spices with this activation.
Founder: Rosemary Noel