Avalon Divine Magic is a High Energetic Magic System of the time of Completion from the Time Dimension AVALON. The magic is the answer to all your questions to the Divine Source within you. This ancient knowledge is now being brought back in the days of planetary ascension to the light dimension.
There are many myths and legends surrounding the time period and time dimension of Avalon. Avalon left a dream that deeply touches our soul because each of us once had an aspect or incarnation in Avalon. Now is the time of completion, time to awaken our memories. This spell of magic elevates our minds to new heights and enables us to radiate and recognize us and who we really are. We are the magical creatures from the Mists of Avalon, from this wonderful enlightening time. Be ready to dive into the mists of the past and remember, once you have walked between the dimensions with Merlin as a great magical being. Feel deep in your heart and soul, and awaken your divine flame.
Merlin is one of the most legendary magicians of Avalon. His real name is Nama ‘Ba’ Shama. He was the teacher of King Arthur. He never died in a “natural” way, but was entranced in a different world. Or, he still resides today in a palace on the ocean floor – who knows the truth?
Benefits of Avalon Divine Magic:
Immersion in the time dimension with Avalon Nama ‘Ba’ Shama
Reactivation/initiation into the divine magic
Magic 8 nights with instructs Nama ‘Ba’ Shama
Transform the fear with the use of magic
Freedom, strength, courage, confidence and love
Deep grounding at all levels
Increase in frequency as it is suitable
Within this system you will travel to Avalon 8 nights!
During your initiation you will journey with Nama ‘Ba’ Shaman into the light realms of Avalon.
$270 |
Founder: Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer