Magic 121212 is a Highly Magical Energy System of the Golden Age. The magic of the golden age is the radiance of love, freedom, gentleness and Oneness with All That Is.
Merlin is one of the most legendary magicians from Avalon. He was the teacher of King Arthur and probably the creation of Geoffrey of Monmouth. In Arthurian legend, he allegedly participated in the meeting of Arthur’s parents. He heads to the heroes and gives him a mandate to seek the Holy Grail. He never died in a “natural” way, but was, like Arthur, caught up in a different world. Or he still resides today in a palace on the ocean floor- who knows the truth?
Magic 121212 is:
• A dimension jump in the time dimension Avalon
• Is clearing and fills all your systems with fire energy
• An initiation / reception of Elf Power
• An initiation / reception of fairies energy
• Initiation into the Golden Magic by Merlin
• An extension of your magical light in you
• A raising of your frequency as it is suitable for you
• In this energy system flows highest magic!
Founder: Lady Solina (Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer)