Cowry-Shell-EssenceThe Cowry symbolizes the dominion and strength of the ocean and the power of destiny. Cowry Spirit Essence is the infusion of ocean and the powerful Ocean Mother.

Cowry’s are carried or worn as magical amulets. This system boosts healing, love and prosperity, infusing your energy field with its essence to magnetize your powers of love, success, prosperity and fame.

Yellow cowries are linked to Goddess Lakshmi and are offered to please her. They can enhance the money energy of your office or home with yellow cowry energy to insure an effortless money flow. A yellow cowry can be infused with Cowry Spirit Essence to carry in your pocket, to place on your computer, or to put in your cash box or wallet to increase money, wealth and luck.

• Cowry Associations:
• Divination
• Opportunity
• Ocean Goddess Link
• Love
• Fertility
• Luck
• Destiny
• Wealth
• Mother of Water Protection
• Prosperity

Founder: Manuela Marques
