Magical Rowan Tree Spirit Essence brings cleansing divination, magic enhancement, power, rejuvenation, safeguards against malevolent spirits, restores youthfulness and more.
Rowan berries are high in Vitamin C. Its medicinal benefits include gout, urinary tract issues, inflamed mucous membranes and much more.
Rowan is prevalent in both Norse and Celtic mythology. In Celtic mythology it’s called the travelers tree because it prevents those journeying from getting lost and confused. It is believed that the Rowan tree has the capacity to rejuvenate and restore youth. It is sacred to the Druids and is associated with the Goddess Brigit whose arrows are said to be made of Rowan wood. The Norse correspond Rowan with Goddess Sif and especially saving the life of God Thor.
It is said that Rowan aids psychic intuition. The wood was used to carve protective charms on and hung over doors. Runes are also carved on it. The Ogham letter L (Luis) corresponds to Rowan; the symbol represents insight, blessings and protection. The berries have a tiny pentagram on them which is an ancient symbol of protection. The Rowan tree offers protection and control of the senses from enchantment and enticement.
Founder: Rosemary Noel