The rose was sacred to a number of Goddesses including Isis, Aphrodite and Venus.
Orange roses can be sent to ignite passion. They symbolize enthusiasm and desire. If you are looking for a way to express admiration and attraction – with an underlying message of passion and excitement – then send a bouquet filled with these fiery blooms. One of the meanings of orange roses is fascination. When you are totally besotted and completely bewitched by somebody, send them orange roses.
Orange is a warm color that says I am proud of you. Orange roses convey many tones of affection and love. Enthusiasm and unlimited energy are some other meanings of this flower. The orange rose can be used for the beginning of a journey, celebrating all new beginnings, and also can be set for best wishes.
Orange Rose Reiki will help you with:
Strengthens and balance sacral chakra
Remove blocks
Emotion, pleasure
Sensuality, intimacy, and connection
Well being
Charm and fascination
Enthusiasm and desire
Honor and pride
Help with new beginnings
Founder: Maria Joao Sereno (Brigitt)