Magick Reiki Love is an energy infused system that releases the magick as you use the energies. They are never ending – always renewing so you cannot use them up. They connect you to your soul ad Higher Self as well as Creative Source. It is a system that combines magick and Reiki that helps with finding a new love or a soul mate, and also with strengthening and healing relationships. It opens your heart to receive love on a soul level.
Working with this system is powerful and very easy. It will not make someone love you, but it will help with finding someone who is right for you and compatible – someone who will love you that you can love. It will strengthen any relationship – not only romantic, but also family relationships and friendships. It can also be used to bring passion and romance back into relationships.
You will be attuned to a symbol to help you connect to the energies of this system.
May love always be in your heart and may love surround you always. So Be It!
Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)