Archangel links for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to the energy vibrations of children’s light beings.
Children go through specific phases of emotional turmoil as they adapt to living on the earthly plane. The archangels in this course will help them to overcome some of the most common problems and ailments children encounter in their every day lives. Just making a prayer to the angels can help.
The Angels:
• Archangel Ariel – given children inner strength, power and the courage to deal with difficult situations.
• Archangel Gabriel – has motherly and nourishing energies and especially protects children who suffer from difficult relationships with their mothers.
• Archangel Uriel – has protective, caring, supporting and fatherly energies and especially helps children who suffer from difficult relationships with their fathers as well as orphans.
• Archangel Azrael – has energies that wash away any ill feelings towards others, and allows them to let go of bad memories and enter new cycles in a clear emotional and energetic state.
• Archangel Raziel – accompanies children in their spiritual and personal self-development, infusing wisdom and inner strength into their hearts, especially when they are suffering from the ill-will of other people.
• Archangel Raphael – a very versatile angel who can deal with any physical, psychological and any mental ailment.
• Archangel Zadkiel – assists children in learning new skills and putting them into practice, and especially assists children with learning and general development problems and is present to sooth children’s hearts when they are teased and discriminated at school.
• Archangel Jophiel – reminds children to listen to their inner truth and helps them to lead a balanced life but putting them in touch with nature and the invigorating energy of trees, water and earth, and helps them to forget and forgive painful experiences.
• Archangel Sandolphon – is a real soul-healer, helping in all matter regarding painful experiences who accompanies them in every new venture and gives them courage to face new things such as moving to a new place or entering a different school, who also helps to lull them to sleep.
• Archangel Haniel – helps children to overcome difficult situations with humor and makes them laugh even when they are very hurt and feel lonesome. He also helps in development a sense of self-worthiness and trust.
• Archangel Chamuel – accompanies children on their journey and puts them in touch with loving and caring people and helps with issues related to a broken heart or suffering, opening their heart to divine unconditional love.
• Archangel Raguel – accompanies children through power struggles and quarrels and helps them to be compassionate towards each other.
• Archangel Jeremiel – helps children to surpass very difficult obstacles and gives them insight as to how to overcome barriers, encouraging them to take new and inventive approaches and motiving them to pull through and find the right path.
• Archangel Mizareal – encourages children to not fear the dark and protects them from evil beings and nightmares.
• Archangel Sachariel – soothes and heals children’s hearts when they feel left alone, abandoned or not loved and respected. This angel is always present for them to turn to when they have no one else to talk to or play with.
• Archangel Jeliel – helps children to avoid difficult karma and is present in times when karmic issues are heavy on the child’s soul, mind and body.
• Archangel Remiel – helps children with feelings of guilt and helps them to get insight into questions and occurrences that riddle them, thereby appeasing their minds and souls.
• Archangel Nathaniel – helps children to make good and new friendships with the people they know from the past so that they can find their loved ones on earth again and enjoy their protection and guidance on the earthly plane.
Founders: Edith Peca and Bea Schwarz