Mystical Healing Force of Kali Maa has a strong connection energy with the Divine power of Goddess Kali or Kali Maa. It has a powerful healing energy to heal any form of multidimensional, physical or metaphysical disease, and decreases negativities by transforming negative energy into positive.
This system is extremely effective in healing any diseases from black magick attacks, or supernatural attacks. It may also help you to overcome and remove negative spirits, unwanted energies, dijinn/genies, demons, ghosts and any form of dark forces around you, in a place or in a haunted place.
Mystical Healing Force Of Kali Maa will bring perfect health, help you to remove fear and worry in your life that becomes a blockage for you to manifest your wishes or desires.
The manual includes instructions for using a mudra along with a healing and a meditation as well.
Founder: Hari Andri Winsarso
Image is from the Kali Oracle by Alana Fairchild