The purpose of the Luminous Energy Field Clearing Empowerment is to locate where energy imprints are stored in our Luminous Energy Field (Aura) and remove or erase them and refortify the luminous fibers and energy field. When this is done, the templates of physical and psychological illness formed by trauma, past-life events and inherent forces are removed so that the body, mind and spirit can return to good health in accordance with divine blueprint.
This empowerment will repair damages to the Luminious Energy Field that are caused by painful memories, destructive thoughts or emotional pain so that your physical body will not be plagued by disease. It clears out the energetic, mental and emotional blocks so that your physical body will heal itself. This will restore vitality and health so that painful, traumatic, difficult situations from past lives or childhood do not continue to manifest in the physical causing damage to your Luminous Energy Field.
The energy of this system will clear the chakras of any heavy and or harmful, negative energies of the Luminous Energy Field pattern that are stuck so that these energies do not slow or stop up the chakras, disabling the system from pulling in the essential energies to supply your energy system, an therefore your physical body at optimum level. After the chakras are cleaned and cleared they will operate appropriately, pulling energy, feeding the rest of the system and bringing about a balanced state. The chakras will be filled with Divine Light from the 12th dimension and above.
Work with Luminous Energy Field Clearing Empowerment will break self-sabotaging negative habits that have been troublesome in releasing. Recurring patterns will be cleared. Negative imprints are cleared, so that you experience freedom from anger, insecurity, fear and other lower natured emotions. This healing system helps to rid us of karmic imprints from past lives and prepare us for serious ascension work and grid work on the planet.
Benefits of the Luminous Energy Field Clearing and Empowerment
Removal of old programming
• Relief from depression
• Freedom from negative habits and patterns
• Cessation of physical pain
• Release from negative self-sabotaging habits or addictions
• Increased happiness and contentment with life
• Less emotional upset
• Bring about a balanced state
• Feelings of expanded lightness
• Brings clarity and direction for our life
• Heals our luminous energy field of imprints from the past
that are creating negative patterns in our life
• Uncovers the underlying causes of ill health and disease
• Prepares us for Ascension Work and Grid work
• Increased ability to embody one’s most loving self
• Diminished worry
• Heals relationship challenges; to finding love and
• Helps us to uncover life purpose
• Riddance of unnecessary karmic imprints from past lives
• Increased trust in Source and one’s own manifestation
• Enhanced insight and intuition
• Heals childhood trauma, ancestral trauma, and past life
• Increases energy and vitality
• Greater capacity to stick with healthy life style choices
• Improved clarity.
•• Supports the healing of ill health and disease
• Increased ability to receive guidance from Higher Self and
other guides
• Deeper connection with God and others
• Ability to reclaim one’s power
• Appreciation of oneself
• Effectively releases tension from our body and mind
• Enables us to access our higher self for wisdom and
• Increases abundance so we create the life we really want!
Tracey Loper