The Black Elk Shamanic Healing System was channeled by the founder, Dean Kingett and his nis guide, Ben Black Elk, the son of the great Black Elk of the Sioux Tribe of North American Indians. Ben achieved much in his lifetime through continuing his father’s work and ensuring that the Indian Culture would not be lost and forgotten.
Ben Black Elk took all his knowledge and understanding of the American Indian ways and made it available not just to the white man, but to all colors and creeds. He was the longstanding tribesman and medicine man teaching simplicity to life and the traditions of the old ways for the good of Mother Earth. The beauty of ancient Lakota life is still alive and prospering today.
This wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation through the centuries. Black Elk’s message was for all the world to know so that the many nations of the world can live together as one.
This healing system will stand on its own and also work in conjunction with any other healing modality for the highest and greatest good of all.
Knowledge of Shamanism is not a requirement. Your attunement will bring you a sacred ethereal Shamanic wand and rattle to use if you wish, and give you the ability to open a vortex so that you can recycle negative energy into positive, by using the simple symbols given to you during your attunement. You do not need the symbols to perform a healing session. Simply your intent is enough. Some people prefer symbols while others like to work directly with the energies.
The manual of The Black Elk Shamanic Healing System teaches you about the uses for Shamanic wands and rattles as well as cleaning through a vortex.
Founder: Dean Kingett