Lakshmi is worshipped as a domestic deity for wellbeing and prosperity of the family. Businessmen and women also regard her as important and offer her daily prayers. She is also worshiped as a Mother Goddess.
Hindus pray for her blessings. On the full moon night following Dusshera or Durga Puga, Hindus worship Lakshmi ceremonially at home, pray for her blessings, and invite neighbors to attend the Puja. It is believed that on this night the Goddess herself visits the homes and replenishes the inhabitants with wealth.
Seichim is a healing practice that teaches unity and harmony. Seichim is in hoarmny with nature, and can be used to heal plants, trees and people, and can even be used to purify and harmonize water and air. It is said to predate Usui Reiki.
In this manual you will learn about:
The relationship between Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu as his consort
The 8 Forms of Lakshmi
The Mantras of Lakshmi
The Yantras of Sri Lakshmi
Yantra Meditation
Foods and Techniques
The Sadhana
The process of using the energy system of Lakshmi Reiki
The symbols to use with Lakshmi energy healing
Founder: Stephen Comee