Many of us have a daily or a weekly practice of opening our bodies to receive higher light frequencies. Our spiritual practices increase our capacity to run higher light of various modalities through our bodies. When we are in public areas, affected by the various densities and energies of others our light frequency can be reduced.

The Light Quotient Maintenance Rays system assists you in keeping the level of your light high by anchoring it into your body cells.

This attunement can help your personal energy merge with the energy of Source. We are all made of the Water of Life, and though each of our paths to Source is different, we all have similar patterns within the whole.

Following your attunement, you can use the energies for yourself or to share with others with their permission. You may also attune people so that they can use the energies themselves. You will receive two manuals.

Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture
