Our knees are subject to a great deal of wear and tear over the years, they are vulnerable to accidents, carrying excess weight, repetitive strain injuries, inflammation and other health conditions affecting mobility. We take our knees for granted until they make themselves known to us in the worst possible way! As our knees carry us through life, they decide the direction we are traveling both physically as well as spiritually. Whether we are easygoing or inflexible in our attitude to life it is reflected in the important crossroad choices we must decide on during our soul journey. The way we walk through life affects our knee chakras as they act as an energetic portal between our physical life path and our soul choices for this incarnation.

The Knees Chakra Crystalline Flush energy system will cleanse away negative energy and blockages and infuse your life path with vitality and light. This system will also help you to tune-in and get in touch with any issues surrounding your knee pain, to bring deep healing and release. When the blockages are released from your knee energy can flow more freely along your meridians, which with continued use may aid pain reduction, swelling and inflammation. You will be able to release and ground negative energy as well as draw up revitalizing and renewing Gaia energy through your sole star chakra. We will first flush away negative energy and blockages and then infuse your knee chakras with the beautiful energy of the calligraphy stone, also known as the Miriam stone.

Calligraphy Stone is a well-known healing stone that is recognized for its ornamented patterns of calligraphy style. When looking at the stone it is like looking at the twists and turns of life’s journey. This stone reflects the healing energies of joy, inner-peace, and enlightenment as we overcome challenges, make tough decisions and navigate our way around bumps in the road. It symbolizes the time we have reached crossroads and have struggled to know which direction to take, showing the outcome of all choices.

Founder: Raine Hilton
